The Wasteland - Life without Internet Access - Also, new books

New to Me Books, also Life Without Internet Access

Two days without internet access and I have missed a great deal and have been unable to do a whole bunch of things. I feel like I'm in the Waste Land, which brings me to...

I recently made some book purchases, for XMas, and of course ended up getting some for myself:

  • Beatrix Potter things
  • AA Milne things
  • other childrens classics but I can't say what as the parents of the children receiving the book read this blog
  • The Waste Land - which I already have in an anthology but wanted in its own volume
  • A History of Pre-Historic England
  • American Glossary of Grammar and Usage
  • Little Birds Anais Nin (mm hmm)
  • Lesbian Sex: An Oral History (guess who that's for?)
  • Native American Art
  • things for Greg who reads this too often to say and I feel like keeping it a surprise

These were all purchased at the lovely used book store around the corner, Pazzo Books. I'm trying to get Christmas presents locally and from second hand stores. Reduce Reuse Recycle and support local business!!

THE END - more later, when we get access back in the dub rock