From "Emily Dickinson's Garden: The Poetry of Flowers" at the NYBG |
There was all kinds of speculation as to why Emily Dickinson would garden so late at night, but after sweating my brains out from 2-2:45 this afternoon in the 92 degree sun while wearing shorts and a tshirt, my guess is that it was just a lot more comfortable to wear that Victorian getup outside at 6 or 7 than at noon. Here's some VERY COOL (zing! pun!) links I found today about Emily Dickinson's garden and botanical interests:
Emily Dickinson's Herbarium
http://www.earlywomenmasters.net/dickinson/herbarium/index.html#plantlistArticle on her herbarium
http://www.poets.org/viewmedia.php/prmMID/21410Facsimile from Harvard of her Herbarium
http://pds.lib.harvard.edu/pds/view/4184689?n=1&imagesize=1200&jp2Res=.25&printThumbnails=noNeat-o, man. Neat. O.