Day 30 - A picture of someone you miss

Well, I miss my mom, who currently lives in New Orleans, and I miss my sister, who currently lives near LA. I miss my papa, who died a couple years after this photo was taken. I miss my nana, who was probably the one that took this photo back in 1986 or so. But most of all, more than anything, I miss my dad. He was a gigantic pain in the ass and sometimes plain old mean. But he's still my dad and it's just weird that he's not here. It's really difficult to lose a parent before you turn 30. I don't recommend it to anyone. I think of all the things he's missed and how many more things he won't be there for. It's especially hard with the baby--he'd've been an really good grandpa, and I know my brother misses not having him around as he goes through being a new dad.

And on that rather solemn note, my 30 days of pictures is done! Hope you enjoyed. I liked the exercise and recommend it to anyone. Thanks for reading!

UPDATE: About five minutes after I originally wrote this post, before I even had a chance to publish it, my dear step-dog, a cute and awesome little minpin named Maddie died really unexpectedly and suddenly. Both my roommate Rene and I were home. It was a Friday night, and we are never BOTH home on a Friday night. I'm glad we were all here during Maddie's last moments. Losing her has been really difficult. She was just always here to keep company through thick and thin. So, I'd like to also include a picture of her in this entry because, oh my God, will I miss my little pup, my napping buddy, my walking pal, my dear cuddly doggy.