Stuff from Portsmouth and Surrounding Areas in New Hampshire and Maine, My Mini Summer Vacation in Northen New England

Bridget Eileen Plus Size Pin Up in Striped Bikini Top from BareNecessities,com at Hampton Beach, NH
 Bridget Eileen Plus Size Pin Up at Hampton Beach, NH
in a Blue Striped Bikini Top from Bare Necessities

Stuff from My Trip to Portsmouth and Visits to the Surrounding Areas - Kittery, Hampton, etc

Memorial Day weekend, I did what many Bostonians do and headed north to New Hampshire for the long weekend. I stayed in Portsmouth and went south to Hampton for a beach day. 

Sunset on the Maine/New Hampshire Border, Memorial Day Weekend 2016

This was the gorgeous sunset on the NH/Maine border.

Fried Scallops from Bob's Clam Hut on Route 1 on the Maine NH border in Maine

I went north to Maine for some seafood dinner at Bob's Clam Hut on Route 1. This a a great place to go after a long beach day, as it's really informal and you don't have to worry about being in beach attire while you eat. My meal was delicious. I love fried scallops. (They were the first thing I ate when I stopped being full vegetarian and started being a part-time pescitarian, back when I was a nanny in Kennebunk, summer of 2001. Worth it.  Sorry scallop creatures.)

Kilwin's Candy Store dark chocolate turtle with sea salt

Then I went back to Portsmouth for dessert: sea salted dark chocolate turtle from their Kilwins Candy Shoppe (a candy shoppe chain, but still tasty.)

Bridget Eileen Plus Size Pin Up at Hampton Beach in a striped Bikini top from Bare Necessities
In my "miracle suit" that is, the 36H bikini top that I found on clearance last October at