What to Do This Weekend - Pick Your Own Fruit at Russell Orchards in Ipswich,MA, a north shore farm

Old Fashioned Pick-Up Truck at Russel Orchards in Ipswich, MA
Old Fashioned Pick-Up Truck
at Russel Orchards in Ipswich, MA

Berry-Picking at Russell Orchards in Ipswich, MA in the North Shore of Boston

One of my Boston "staycation" events was going berry picking at Russell Orchards farm in the North Shore, with my mom, my sister-in-law and my nephews. Coming up for fall, they also have apple picking and hayrides. Picking your own berries is really really fun, and kind of meditatively relaxing.

I bought some raspberry wine and their own honey, as well as blueberries and raspberries. Everything was delicious. as well as the ice cream. Head on up if you're looking for something outdoorsy to do this fall!

View of the farm at Russell Orchards in Ipswich MA
View of the farm at Russell Orchards
Mom, sister-in-law and older nephew in background
Youngest nephew's curly blond locks in the foreground (sooo cuuuute!)

poultry birds at Russell Orchards
Some kind of poultry birds walking around Russell Orchards