Happy Presidents' Day from Me 'n Abe, plus scenes from the Old State Capitol Building in Springfield, IL

Bridget Eileen being goofy and posing with a bust of our finest President, Abraham Lincoln, in the Old State Capitol Building, Springfield, Illinois
Tender moment with a bust of Abraham Lincoln in
the Old State Capitol Building, Springfield, IL

Happy Presidents's Day! Plus Pictures from the Place Where Abraham Lincoln Got His Political Start: The Old State Capitol Building in Springfield, IL

(also, I get a little morose about the state of the presidency today--but can you blame me?)

I wish a happy Presidents' Day to all the presidents I'm happy about. Especially this guy, Abraham Lincoln.

pretending to kiss a bust of Abraham Lincoln at the Old State Capitol Building in Springfield, IL
Don't tell Mary Todd
Stroking Lincoln's beard at the Old State Capitol Building in Springfield IL
So tall and handsome and beardy, with his funky hat, like a political hipster

As you can see, I might have gotten a little bored sitting around the basement of the Old State Capitol Building in Springfield, Illinois. So I took some silly pictures.

Civil War Era costume dresses at the Old State Capitol Building in Springfield IL
Civil War Era Period Dresses

Civil War Era style lady's bonnets, costumes at the Old State Capitol Building in Springfield IL
Bonnets from Civil War Era

And some interesting ones of "behind the scenes" in that historical building, including the Civil War era costumes.
Models of historical buildings in Springfield, Illinois Old State Capitol Building

And these models of historical Illinois buildings in a back office. The Old State Capitol Building is a beautiful historical site. It's where Abraham Lincoln got his start as a member of the House of Representatives. Those state capitol buildings of Illinois are quite the incubator for THE GREATEST PRESIDENTS IN HISTORY, like Abe and Barack. Ah god, I miss him soooo much!

Anyway, why, might you ask, was I privy to all this "backstage" stuff?

wedding ceremony at the Old State Capitol Building in Springfield IL
Sister and Sister-in-law's wedding at the Old State Capitol Building,
Springfield, IL Oct 2015

It's where my sister and sister-in-law got married! They live in Springfield and were able to secure this beautiful historical site for their blessed ceremony. Oh jeez. Here I am getting weepy thinking about it. But you know what? On this particular Presidents' Day, it is important to remember what REALLY makes America GREAT--like the freedom for these two love birds to tie the knot, in front of family, friends, a minister, their state, and their country.

photo and painting of Abraham Lincoln at the Old State Capitol Building in Springfield Illinois

Also George Washington was pretty great.

photo and painting of Abraham Lincoln at the Old State Capitol Building in Springfield Illinois

 But not as awesome as Abe.

Statues of the Lincoln family outside of the  Old State Capitol Building in Springfield IL
Statues of the Lincoln family outside of the
Old State Capitol Building in Springfield IL

a statue of Lincoln's oldest son
Joseph Gordon Leavitt in his youth
Just kidding, this is a statue of Lincoln's oldest son
It's a joke referencing the movie Lincoln

he State House of Representatives in the Old State Capitol Building Springfield, IL
The State House of Representatives in the Old State Capitol Building
Springfield, IL

Mixed Ionic and Corinthian Columns Old State Capitol Building Springfield, IL
Mixed Ionic and Corinthian Columns
Old State Capitol Building
Springfield, IL

Abraham Lincoln's seat in the Illinois  State House of Representatives, Old State Capitol Building, Springfield, IL
Abraham Lincoln's seat in the Illinois
State House of Representatives,
Old State Capitol Building,
Springfield, IL
Bridget Eileen with her sister, Chrissy, for her sister's wedding, Old State Capitol Building, Springfield, IL
Bridget Eileen with her sister, Chrissy, for her sister's wedding,
Old State Capitol Building, Springfield, IL
Here's to freedom, progress and democracy. May they stay preserved and once again thrive some day. Viva La Resistance, my friends. And Happy Presidents' Day to the presidents who make me happy. Wish you were here in my pantheon of presidents I love, lady:

I'm still sad