Unnameable Books, Brooklyn, NY |
Bridget Eileen Reading Sept 22, Saturday Afternoon, for the "Welcome to Boog City 12 Arts Festival"
From Sat., Sept. 22 through Tues. Sept. 25, the 12th annual Welcome to Boog City Arts Festival: Poetry, Music, Theater, and Film will take place. It will feature 47 poets, 12 musical acts, 8 poets theater plays, 25 actors, 1 d.a. levy lives visiting press, and 60 minutes of film screenings over the four days.
I will be participating in the festival on Saturday afternoon as one of the featured readers during the 1:30 to 3:00pm section. Come on by to Unnameable Books in Brooklyn to check out the festival on Saturday, September 22, 2018 to see me!
More details available at: