Is It Okay to Not Spend a Bunch of Money on My Websites?

Bridget Eileen logo for
Bridget Eileen logo for "'

Ye Olde Fashion Website Hoste

Get it? It's funny because calling a website old fashioned is a bit tongue-in-cheek, considering websites have only been ubiquitous for about 25 years. However, the fact that I continue to use Google's "Blogger" to host my webpages is a bit old fashioned, in relative terms. 

Earlier this week, I made some changes to my three websites, (my "homepage" so to speak), (this arts and culture blog) and (my age, body and sex positive beauty blog).

I put up new logos for and for I changed the tagline for Vintage Bridge Style, from "retro fashion on a bohemian budget" to "an age, body and sex positive beauty blog" to go along better with the mission of the website. I changed the colors schemes for and And I changed the formatting of

I Only Spend $36 a Total on My Websites

I have explored switching to more modern, so to speak, methods of webhosting. I'm teaching myself how to build websites through and Squarespace as I researched hosts for making a permanent website for the Boston Poetry Marathon. (Coming soon! I plan to do some work on it during my upcoming vacation, in fact!)

However, when I got down to it for the three website I run, I like the way they are. I don't know if I'm biased in favor of status quo because it is what I'm familiar with, but it's fine as it is, for me. Maybe I am also biased in favor of the low cost. Blogger hosts the blogs, and I only pay $12 a year for each domain name. 

Should I pay more to have a more sophisticated site host my webpages? Maybe someday? =shrug= I don't know. I am fine with how things are now, considering both and are hobbies and is really simple.

Vintage Bridge arts and culture blog 2018-2019 logo by Bridget Eileen
The Former "Vintage Bridge" Logo

Vintage Bridge arts and culture blog 2020 logo by Bridget Eileen
The New "Vintage Bridge" Logo

The Changes I Made

All three sites are now formatted using the Emporio Porcelain template. I made changes to color scheme and font to denote the differentiation.

I also made changes to the "Pages" portion of each blog, updating the copy and double-checking on all the links work accordingly.

Finally, I changed the banners/logos for each site as well. I used free images from and then used Google Draw to add personalization for my websites.