Litha Sabbat, New Moon Esbat, and Juneteenth - Jun 19-21, 2020

Summer Celebrations with Juneteenth, Litha and New Moon Back-to-Back-to-Back This Weekend

What "Magical Might" can we harness during this weekend with the simultaneous celebration of Juneteenth, a New Moon Esbat, and the Litha Sabbat (or Yule if you're you in the Southern Hemisphere)?

I am already feeling the intense energy of it! I have an "opening routine" I try to follow to stay on track for the day. I got a third of the way through, and got distracted. Got another third of the way through. And got distracted. Now the supposed end of my work day has come and gone and I still have 6 more items from my Opening Routine to do! Ha! 

Thankfully, I've been quite productive during my neglect of my routines. But this fiery energy of Solstice New Moon Juneteenth just doesn't lend itself for something as calm as a daily morning routine.

Magical Might on the Juneteenth Pandemic Solstice Esbat of 2020

To my mind, the only thing that seems right to do as a "witch" on the weekend containing Juneteenth, Solstice and the June New Moon Esbat while in the middle of racial justice uprising and a global pandemic is GO

What do I mean? I mean everything is calling us to gather our frenetic longest day energy and go with it to where it's obviously pulling us. The necessary changes. The revolutions we need. The oomph available when you have sunlight to bask in for the longest possible time--go with it, and go for it.

That's what I've been doing so far this extremely busy week. And that's what I plan to do throughout the weekend--in addition to some time walking and enjoying the weather and the beautiful growth everywhere.

Happy Summer Solstice. I hope the energy of this year's Litha can carry us into a brighter future come the Fall of 2020, and beyond.