Notebook Witch: Notes on Witchcraft and Witchery - A New Website Coming Soon from Bridget Eileen

Notebook Witch: Notes on Witchcraft and Witchery

A Witch Blog by Bridget Eileen

Notebook Witch: Notes on Witchcraft and Witchery is a blog dedicated to exploring witchcraft, paganism/neopaganism, and other earth-based spiritual practices, authored by Bridget Eileen. Bridget Eileen is a solitary eclectic pantheist neopagan witch from Rhode Island.

picture of Bridget Eileen

What's a Solitary Eclectic Panthesist Modern Pagan Witch?

I describe myself as a Solitary Eclectic Pantheistic Modern Pagan Witch. What does that mean? Truly, there's no standard definition when it comes to this earth-based practice, but I know what *I* mean by it, so here is a break down:

  • Solitary Witch = one who doesn't belong to any formal organization, including a coven
  • Eclectic Witch = one who doesn't follow a set practice of witchcraft or witchery. An eclectic witch takes up a mix of what feels right to them when it comes to witchcraft and other open spiritual practices. I add the term "open" because one should take care not to appropriate a closed practice.
  • Pantheistic = believing there is spirit in animal, mineral and/or plant
  • Modern Pagan = earth-based spiritual practice. My holidays come from the seasons and their midpoints (sabbats), as well as the phases of the moon (esbats). Each is an observation and celebration of the Earth.
  • Witch = some witches are atheist, others are Christian, some areligious, some just spiritual (that's me), but--to my mind--in all cases being a witch means to practice a craft of intention and intuition, that is part hereditary, part individual, part intellectual, and part emotional, and most of all based on the natural world and the wonders in it. 

I spend a lot of time thinking about this spiritual path and practice of mine, and I do a lot of collecting and curating on the subject of witchcraft and witchery. That is why I have decided to dedicate a website and blog on the subject. Notebook Witch will be the online notebook of all the books, shops, sites, social media, objects, altars, practices, art, poetry, and people I encounter that bear relevance to my spiritual practice as a Solitary Eclectic Pantheist Neopagan Witch. The site is currently under construction, but you can see related posts on the subject of witchery from my long-standing arts and culture blog, An Arts Notebook which I've collected under the label "Notebook Witch." 

More to come! I'm excited for this new venture!!!